Registered Massage Therapist
Member of the Massage Therapists' Association of Nova Scotia since 2000

The Halifax Professional Centre
5991 Spring Garden Road • Suite 577
Halifax, Nova Scotia • B3H 1Y6
902 • 580 • 2708


Fascial Rebalancing

Since 2008 I have been mentored by Craig Mollins in a type of body work called Fascial Rebalancing, a synthesis of the teachings of Dr. Ida P. Rolf and Buddhist mindfulness-awareness practice. "a ten-session protocol that balances the human structure with gravity, and mindfulness-awareness practice that synchronizes body and mind in greater harmony."

Over the years, I have used various Fascial Rebalancing techniques with many of my clients, integrated into the massage treatment along with the various other kinds of massage techniques I use (Swedish massage, trigger point release, Thai yoga massage, myofascial release, etc.) Have I gotten you to lay on your side and applied deep pressure around your hip and down the side of your leg? Worked up along the side of your ribcage and into your extended arm? Treated along your shin with my elbows? Worked down your spine with both my elbows as you bend forward from a seated position? Those are Fascial Rebalancing techniques.

So while I have used aspects of it, Fascial Rebalancing is actually meant to occur in a series of 10 sessions, each session designed with a specific set of intentions, techniques and areas of the body to be addressed. 

I have been trained in the first 7 Fascial Rebalancing sessions and I would like to offer them to you.

Fascial Rebalancing is done with one sheet covering the massage table. You lay on the table wearing whatever you feel most comfortable in that allows treatment of your body. Ideally for women - a bikini, bra and underwear or shorts and sports bra. For men, shorts or bathing suit. I use my hands, knuckles and elbows in the application of pressure on your body. No massage lotion or oil is used. The appointments can be booked as 60, 75 or 90 minute sessions. 

Personally, I love Fascial Rebalancing. I have noticed profound changes in my body after the treatments I've received. I feel stronger, my joints feel looser and more mobile, I feel taller and I can breathe more easily.

If you are interested in booking the seven sessions of Fascial Rebalancing or you have questions, feel free to call me or ask at your next appointment.  
"Fascial Rebalancing is a method of soft tissue manipulation that restores your balanced relationship with gravity. The practitioner uses their hands and elbows to work your muscles and connective tissues, using a slow, direct, and sensitive pressure. The work is designed to unwind whole body tension patterns, while at the same time gradually uncovering your body’s natural length, resilience, and graceful ease. Fascial Rebalancing was developed by Structural Integration practitioner and mindfulness teacher Craig Mollins. The method brings together two main streams of teaching: a ten-session protocol that balances the human structure with gravity, and mindfulness-awareness practice that synchronizes body and mind in greater harmony. Fascial Rebalancing incorporates these two streams to create a system of connective tissue manipulation that brings together body, mind, and the field of gravity."



RMT = Health Care Provider

Occasionally I get a phone call or an email of someone wanting to know if I provide 'other' kinds of massage. I don't judge people who provide that service for money or the people who go to them. But NO, I do not.

I do get a bit tired of addressing this issue. Probably how a pharmacist would feel if people kept asking if they sold street drugs. But I'll assume some people might genuinely not know the difference, so I will explain.

When you see RMT after a massage therapist's name, it signifies that they are a Registered Massage Therapist. It means we are health care providers. Compare it to a Physiotherapist or an Occupational Therapist if you must, in order to understand. It means we have successfully completed a rigorous, two year, full time college program consisting of studies in anatomy, pathology, orthopaedic testing, therapeutic massage, hydrotherapy and clinical practice. We learned how to use massage therapy as a means to treat symptoms resulting from cerebral palsy, whiplash, muscle spasm and plantar fasciitis and many more conditions. It means we learned how to do a relaxation massage to decrease the effects of stress from working all day at a desk or walking around a hospital all day. It means once we graduated from our program, we became members of a professional association. In my case, this is MTANS, the Massage Therapists Association of Nova Scotia, " a self governing body of massage therapists dedicated to protecting the public, serving its members, and promoting the highest possible quality of the practice of massage therapy."

No, I do not provide the 'other' type of massage.

But equally important: If a massage therapist does not have RMT after their name, do not assume they provide 'other' massage services. I know many skilled Massage Therapists who offer massage therapy but who do not qualify to join a professional association and earn the designation RMT, usually because they were trained in another country and cannot attend massage school in Canada or join an association, due to language barriers.


1. If a Massage Therapist has RMT after their name, they are a health care provider and they will NEVER provide 'other' massage services. 

2. If a Massage Therapist does NOT have RMT after their name, it does NOT follow that they will offer 'other' massage. Do not assume anything. 

DO NOT make an appointment with any Massage Therapist of any kind and ask for 'other' massage in person or worse, in the middle of a treatment. If you absolutely cannot tell from their advertising, it's a simple question you can ask by phone or email ahead of time. If you ask in person and they are a professional Massage Therapist, you will make them feel startled, uncomfortable, confused, threatened and probably angry. If you ask for that type of service in person or during a treatment, your RMT or Massage Therapist might phone the police and report you. So figure it out ahead of time and make a well informed decision.